Aug 20, 2007


I found intrasting poster!!

You laughing, aren't you?

With my friends!!!!


I met my friends from hight school.
We ate lunch in Bu!! That was very good!!
And we went to Karaoke!!
I was very very fun!!!!!!

change my hire!!


I have my hair permed agein with my friend.
And I ate chainese food in Kourantei.
After that we whached consert!!
I enjoied this day!!!

Aug 6, 2007


I went to Kikuti with my mother. We visited my grand pearents's grave. And we went to Touhu Shop. I ate Tohu cooking there. It was very simple and healty. But It is very good!! There are pond there. Water is very beautiful and cleary. Pond have many fish. So many pepole fishing and burning it and eating it. I wanted to eat it.



I went to "cha-syuu ya" with my friends. I ate Chinese undue there.
It was very good!! After that we went to Kraoki. I enjoied it.